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Posted on April 30, 2017 by Comments are off

EasyFWD break software helps you to take that active break!


Posted on March 16, 2017 by Comments are off

regelmatig buiten lopen, bewegen is het nieuwe rusten
to move is to live.
charge yourself on time.
EasyFWD Preventiemelding, leer werken met EasyFWD
take a breather.
easyflux, for undisturbed and productive working.
koffie halen voor uw collega’s
move yourself to
the coffeemachine.

EasyFWD mobile buttons

Posted on March 16, 2017 by Comments are off

Quote 1

Posted on March 15, 2017 by Comments are off

Bewegen, uw stekker voor opladen!

Moving is your

EasyFWD & gezond werken

Posted on March 13, 2017 by Comments are off

Why using EasyFWD?

Prevent the top 3 computer workplace complaints.

  • Stiffness neck area
  • Red eyes / headache
  • Pressure lower back

We are sitting too long, while our body benefits from movement. If you experience the top 3 on regularly base, EasyFWD will remind you to stand up and take a walk or to do an exercise like Luc.

EasyFWD moves with you

Sitting 9 hrs per day is way too long! EasyFWD will make you aware to take an active break. Learn to how work with EasyFWD and you will notice that you work more pleasant. Are you an active person in your job, you will hardly notice EasyFWD. Click here for questions.

The less EasyFWD, the healthier you work!

Click on the video for the full animation.

EasyFWD and workplace instuction

EasyFWD has the Healthy working button. Any workplace instruction can be linked to this. Achieve a viewing density of 90% of all your employees. It will safe you money and for those who give or receive the instruction, time!

Want to know more? Please contact us.


Posted on March 13, 2017 by Comments are off


Posted on March 13, 2017 by Comments are off


work more productively
without burnout

Do you want to withdraw for a while to work undisturbed? You settle in, grab a cup of coffee, and get started. Really? After five minutes, a colleague comes in and asks you to join them. No problem. Or maybe you’re working from home, and your partner or children keep interrupting you.You try to solve this issue by working “just” a little longer or postponing tasks. Unnoticed, but noticeable, your workload starts piling up and gradually increasing.
The question arises: How do I kindly make my colleagues or co-residents understand that I am busy and they can approach me when I have the time? EASYFLUX!

Quote 2

Posted on March 13, 2017 by Comments are off

Zitten, opstaan en weer doorgaan

Sit, stand and
move again.


Posted on March 12, 2017 by Comments are off


EasyFWD can be linked to EasyAnalyse. It is a web-based application and provides the ability to do research and publish.

You can create and launch questionnaires, report, evaluate and provide feedback. The results can be published with instructions (movies) or documents.

Anywhere, Anytime

EasyAnalyse is flexible and can be used from any workplace. it supports a durable prevention policy that meets the criteria:

  • Looking forward;
  • Repeat;
  • Giving feedback.

For more information please contact us.

3 USPS EasyAnalyse

Posted on March 12, 2017 by Comments are off

Quote 3

Posted on March 11, 2017 by Comments are off

Kom vanachter uw PC en verras uw collega’s

Move from your PC and
surprise your colleagues.


Posted on March 10, 2017 by Comments are off


EasyFWD works fine for me.


I was very skeptical about such a solution. I know better now. However it can still be annoying, but at least I know it is my own fault. The less EasyFWD the better I work!
Ian Kettler


EasyFWD helps me to work more conscious and I am more productive. Thanks!
Jesikka Lang

Give your opinion and help us to improve EasyFWD!



    Quote 4

    Posted on March 10, 2017 by Comments are off

    Het nieuwe werk ritme, 30 om 2

    The new work rhythm, 30 to 2
    and then you do the zumbaloo!


    Posted on March 21, 2016 by Comments are off

    FAQ EasyFWD

    EasyFWD responds to a healthy and sustainable work surroundment to prevent prolonged sitting, RSI and CANS. EasyFWD is prevention software that offers active breaks, only at times when you need it. You control it yourself and you indicate how often you want to see a break. EasyFWD is not a conservative break software, but offers you that active option. In addition, the software takes automatically into account how you work. If you take enough breaks in a natural way, you will not see or hardly see EasyFWD. So: The lesser EasyFWD, the better you work!
    From Win11;
    .Net 4.5 cliënt profiel;
    internet connection;
    A file location with sufficient write privileges;
    Can be applied to internet / intranet or as standalone;
    Works on: Citrix, LAN, Terminal Server, etc
    EasyFWD is easy to download and costs you only € 26,98 / year inclusive VAT. After downloading, you will receive a thank you mail with link and license code for what you have chosen.
    Yes, but maintenance is free. Updates and patches are provided free of charge. See further question 4.
    Patches are minor modifications to the software to overcome minor changes to networks or platforms.

    Updates are minor additions of new technical features or features to the software. This to improve the technology or use of EasyFWD.

    Upgrades are bigger additions to technical or usage features. This to improve EasyFWD. Normally it brings some cost with it, but this is optional.

    New version The software has been rebuilt and is therefore new. A new version will be paid, but you can choose. Please know that if you do not choose for the newer version, we can not guarantee a smooth running of the software.
    Yes, at the moment EasyFWD is available in Dutch, English, German, French, Spanish and Norwegian. Other languages will automatically appear.
    EasyFWD takes into account how you work. If you are already moving a lot during your work,  you will hardly see EasyFWD. So, the less EasyFWD, the better your work style!

    However, if you feel that you get too few active breaks, look at the dashboard if you're at risk. Do you have initial complaints, set a stricter profile together with the expert at the office.
    The meter indicates whether you are SITTING too long in front of your computer. In general, the meter looks at three points:
    1. How much time are you sitting in front of the computer.
    2. How much time do you sit while working.
    3. How do you spread your work throughout the day? Together, this results in a meter outcome.
    No, it's not, you decide if you want to. When setting the active micro break, it means that EasyFWD will pop up more in your screen. Why an active micro break? Research shows that giving multiple short active breaks has a better effect on your physical and mental condition
    No, that's something you decide for yourself. EasyFWD is not about whether you take the active break. It is meant to make you aware to take the occasional break. Balance in your computer work and movement is important!
    No definitely not! EasyFWD focuses on the healthy person, so it is up to you to take the active break. EasyFWD can be set up in a hard or soft modus, what you desire. When switched off, the riskmeter remains active, so it can still be your signal to enable EasyFWD again.
    The vitality meter shows how you felt over the last 20 days. Click on detailed information, then you will see what days you were in the red and your battery empty. You will also see a brief description of how you work and some tips. Questionnaires and Publications contain the earlier canceled questionnaires and publications. Click on it and they will appear.

    FAQ EasyAnalyse

    Easy Analysis is a web-based application to help employees wroking sustainable and healthy. With EasyAnalyse you can provide:
    • Personal attention
    • Instruction
    • Research
    Looking forward, repetition and giving feedback. The three most important parts to get a solide and durable prevention policy.
    No, not necessarely. EasyAnalyse is set up in such a way, that it is easy to learn and use. The help function of EasyAnalyse is based on a case, which takes you step by step how to use EasyAnalyse as optimal as possible. Do you want or need our support, you can always contact us.

    FAQ General

    EasyAnalyse is a web application. Means, it's a site you're browsing to. You fill in a username and password which you obtained. It will give you access for use. Compare it to internet banking.
    The privacy of your data is guaranteed and will not be provided to third parties without your permission. You decide in EasyFWD whether you want to share your data. 4U Solutions BV has only the right to use the data to improve its product. EasyFWD and EasyAnalyse work always with the latest SSL protocols to secure internet traffic, which are also used by banks and other major IT companies. By using the freeware, you do allow to receive occasionally an advertisment message.
    The newest version is the first in row. The following version has been developed and have tackled the following issues.

    Quote 5

    Posted on March 20, 2016 by Comments are off

    Uw vraag is belangrijk, EasyFWD helpt

    Your question is important,
    EasyFWD can help.


    Posted on March 19, 2016 by Comments are off

    Do you have any questions, please contact us.



      Posted on March 13, 2016 by Comments are off

      Do you want to call or
      mail us, please do. We
      are happy to assist you.
      4U Solutions bv Support
      T +31(0) 6 51 326382
      Contact met Tom van Dijk, EasyFWD
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